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PCB Packaging

During shipping, packages can be subjected to all manner of crushing, shaking, tossing and dropping among many other forms


of physical damage. Damage is not always visible to the naked eye but can be just as fatal.


LingtechPCB, all products must go through strict protective packaging before shipment.

Anti-Static Packaging


Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the rapid transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies of different electrical potential when they


come into contact with each other. ESD is one of the major causes of component failure. Although some components are robust


enough to resist damage from ESD, parts like integrated circuits and semiconductors can be permanently damaged from just a


small jump in current. With the size of integrated circuits getting smaller, this means that devices have become more susceptible to


damage by ESD.



Examples of components sensitive to ESD include MOSFETs, as they have a very high impedance, which makes charge dissipation


more difficult. And even if components do not fail immediately, ESD can gradually cripple the functionality of devices down the road.


Thus, if you have components highly sensitive to ESD, it’s reassuring to know that the packaging isn’t doing any harm.


In addition, electrostatic adsorption of dust will reduce the insulation resistance of the component (shorten the life). The heat generated


by the electrostatic discharge electric field or current can damage the component .

One of the most basic means of protection against ESD during shipping is the use of anti-static bubble wrap. Besides acting as a


cushion against all the tossing involved in the shipping process, unlike regular bubble wrap, it will not generate electrostatic charge


and helps dissipate it away. The anti-static bubble wrap is recognizable from its distinctive pink color,due to the anti-static coating


applied.ESD bags or pink poly are anti-static bags used for storing electronic components prone to ESD damage, much like


anti-static bubble wrap. Made of polyethylene, it doesn’t generate ESD and can contain a layer of bubble wrap for extra cushioning


against physical shock.Pink foam is also widely used for the same purpose.


Another type and more superior form of ESD protection is the use of conductive anti-static bags. You can tell these from regular


anti-static bags, or dissipative anti-static bags, as they have a shiny metallic layer often with a Ziploc style seal. These do well for long


term storage, shipping and handling since they actively shield against charges. Hence they are also known as shielding bags.


Therefore, the contents are effectively protected from any external charges and are vital in protecting bare components like MOSFETs.


Moisture-Proof Packaging


Moisture in the air can damage the electronic components on the PCB in many ways. For example, a small water spot


accidentally traverses the trace on the circuit board and may cause a short circuit. Or electronic equipment may


corrode the traces on the circuit board due to moisture.When used in outdoor applications, one of the most common


causes of PCB degradation is due to moisture. In the field,your board will likely be enclosed in a suitable waterproof


housing,but even before they are installed, the boards could be exposed to moisture during shipment. Even bare PCB


boards can be adversely affected by moisture. If your PCBs are going to be traveling long periods at via sea freight,


or through areas with a humid climate, pay attention to the moisture-proof properties of the packaging.



Your boards should be in a sealed moisture barrier bag, with a little bag of desiccant. Desiccant is a drying agent


packed in a porous pouch, to enable moisture to go through the pouch and be absorbed by the desiccant.


The purpose of the desiccant is to absorb any moisture from the air left inside the bag after it has been sealed,


and also any moisture that penetrates the bag. The desiccant remains dry even after it is fully saturated with water vapor.


For more moisture sensitive boards, the package can also be vacuum sealed to have the moisture sucked out of the


package along with the air. For even more protection, anti-static properties can also be included by vacuum sealing


ESD packaging.


Anti-Vibration Packaging


Due to the possibility of rigorous handling during shipment, PCBs can be subjected to shock or flex damage if insufficient


anti-vibration packaging is used. This can lead to shock or flexing of a PCB. To prevent that from happening, sufficient padding


should be used to limit movement within the outer packaging and protect vulnerable areas such as exposed pins.


packaging technology can be subdivided into the following categories:




1. Inner box/vacuum/bubble bags


   According to the product features or customers’ requirement



   Pack fragile items with elastic materials for reinforcement, so that the energy from vibration or impact can be


   absorbed and guided to the strongest part of the contents. When the elastic material is shock-proof, it can effectively


   absorb energy, disperse external force, and effectively protect the contents.


2. Floating packaging


   It is basically the same as the compression packaging method. The difference is that the elastic material used


   is a small pad, which can be displaced and flowed, so that it can effectively fill the gap of the directly stressed


   part and disperse the impact of the contents.


3. Wrap package


   Various types of sheets are used to wrap a single piece of content into the outer packing box. This method is mostly


   used for shockproof packaging of small items.


4.Mold box packaging


  The system uses the model to make the material into a mold box with the same shape as the product, and uses it to


   package the product to achieve the shockproof effect. This method is mostly used in the packaging of small, lightweight products.


5.In-situ foam packaging



Fill the foam material between the contents and the outer packing box.


6. Pallets/Stretch film

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